Please tell us if you want to make a complaint.

We learn from customer complaints and try to improve the services which we offer.

You can make a complaint by coming into the office or writing to us at Maryhill Housing, 45 Garrioch Road, Glasgow, G20 8RG, by calling us on 0141 946 2466 or by emailing us at

Since it is our aim to resolve your complaint quickly, it helps if you speak to or contact the appropriate department or member of staff directly. Please provide as much information as possible in relation to the complaint along with your full name, address and preferred means of communication.

Timescales for making a complaint

Any complaint must be made within twelve months of the event or incident happening.

What happens once a complaint is made?

Your complaint is recorded along with any action taken. There is a two stage process and complaints can be dealt with in writing, by email, face to face or by telephone. All complaints are reported annually to the Scottish Housing Regulator and form part of our report on the Scottish Social Housing Charter. We also publicise our complaints performance externally and advise customers of any changes or improvements to service delivery which results from complaints.

Our full complaints process is set out in the Customer Guide to our Complaints Procedure, and our complaints leaflet.

Stage One - Frontline Resolution

Frontline resolution means resolving complaints quickly and on-the-spot if possible. When we receive a complaint we must give a decision within five working days unless there are exceptional circumstances. In these cases, we agree a timescale with the complainant of no more than a further five working days. Consent to this extension of time must also be given by a senior manager. If the complaint is not resolved at this stage, it will progress to the investigation stage.

Stage Two - Investigation

Investigation stage complaints are complaints which have either not been resolved at stage one (see above) or are too complex to deal with at this stage. The complaint must be acknowledged within three working days and resolved within twenty working days. Again, any revision on this timescale must be agreed with the complainant and they must be kept updated on progress.

What happens if I am dissatisfied with the outcome after the investigation stage?

Complaints from tenants

If you are unhappy with the way your complaint has been dealt with, or with the outcome after our investigation, you can refer your complaint to the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman.

The Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman can be contacted as follows:-

  • In person: SPSO, Bridgeside House, 99 McDonald Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NS

  • By post: Freepost, SPSO

  • By telephone: 0800 377 7330

  • Online:

Complaints from factored owners

If you are not satisfied with our final response, you can approach the Scottish Government's First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber). They try to resolve complaints and disputes between homeowners and property factors.

The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) can be contacted as follows:-