The Community Improvement Fund was introduced in February 2009 to meet requests from our Residents Associations for better maintenance and improvements. The Fund was reviewed in 2013 and given a broader scope, increased in budget and re-launched. In 2016, the Fund was re-named the Community Fund.
Local people, tenants and community groups can all suggest Community Fund projects to improve the Maryhill and Ruchill communities. This contributes towards our aim of inspiring passion in people and for our communities.
Community Fund requests must be able to demonstrate value for money and meet at least one of the following proposed criteria:
Enhance the quality of life in areas where Maryhill Housing tenants and others live. Examples include improving the environment; promoting safe, healthy and vibrant communities; or providing support for events/activities that encourage community cohesion.
Encourage community involvement that will positively impact on Maryhill Housing residents and their families. An example is encouraging volunteering.
Promote equality of opportunity within the areas which Maryhill Housing serves.
The Community Fund is now open for applications until 5pm on Tuesday 31st May. Click here to download the application form.
If you would like more information about the Community Fund, please call us on 0141 946 2466 and ask to speak to a member of our Community Regeneration Team or email