Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is something we take very seriously at Maryhill Housing. It is not acceptable and, if proven, we can take serious action against the perpetrators. The law is very clear on what is defined as ASB.

Someone is behaving in an anti-social manner if:

  • they are acting in a manner that is causing, or is likely to cause, alarm or distress, or

  • they are doing several things over a period of time that cause, or are likely to cause, alarm or distress to at least one person living in another household

(Source: Shelter Scotland)

Maryhill Housing categorises Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in 3 different ways: 

  • Category A cases are serious in nature such as violence, drugs, threatening behaviour, illegal use of property or threats to our staff.  These cases will usually involve the Police.

  • Category B cases are persistent in nature such as continued noise nuisance, frequent disturbances, verbal abuse and tenant failure to control the behaviour of children, guests or pets.

  • Category C cases are breaches of your Tenancy Agreement. They are of a minor nature but still a cause of neighbour nuisance such as untidy gardens, unauthorised parking or neighbour disputes over washing lines, bins and stair cleaning.

We want all of our customers to live in a happy and safe environment where they can enjoy their homes and tackling ASB is one of the ways we can achieve this.

In order for us to take appropriate action, we will look for as much detail from you about the incident you are reporting. We may write to your surrounding neighbours to gather more information that will corroborate your report.  If appropriate, we will seek the assistance of Police Scotland or the Community Safety Glasgow Noise Team.

How to make a complaint

You can speak with a member of staff in our offices at Garrioch Road or Glenavon Road in strict confidence.  You can also call us on 0141 946 2466 or email

What happens next?

We will send you an acknowledgement of your complaint and investigate it.  We will speak with the person who is causing the problem and take appropriate action.  We will write to you to let you know that we have dealt with your complaint.  All information is treated in the strictest confidence.

What can Maryhill Housing do?

All tenants have a Tenancy Agreement with Maryhill Housing.  In this document we set out acceptable behaviours that we expect from tenants such as respecting your neighbours, not using your property for illegal purposes and controlling pets. It also advises that we will take action on ASB and that your tenancy could be put at risk if you commit ASB.

If ASB is confirmed, we will issue a First Warning. Hopefully this will rectify the problem but, if not and another incident occurs, we will progress to a Second Warning.  A further incident will result in the tenant being referred to Community Safety Glasgow where evidence will be gathered for court action which includes seeking an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) or an order to recover possession of a property.

We will work with those responsible for ASB to assist them to change their actions. This may involve us seeking outside agency support from the Social Work Department, Addictions Teams and Tenancy Support Groups.

What if it is an owner and not a tenant who is committing ASB?

Owners have responsibility to act in a reasonable manner too.  Any property that is owned and causing nuisance through ASB can be referred directly to Community Safety Glasgow.

Useful numbers:

Police Scotland: 999 or 101
Community Safety Glasgow: 0141 276 7400