Grants and Benefits to Help you Pay Your Energy Bills

  1. Get a £400 energy discount from the government
 The government will give every household £400 off their electricity bill. This is called the Energy Bills Support Scheme.  You do not need to do anything to get the money and you will not have to pay it back. 
You will get the £400 in 6 instalments starting from October 2022:
  • £66 in October and November
  • £67 in December, January, February and March
You will get the discount monthly, even if you pay for your energy quarterly or use a payment card.
How you get the discount will depend on how you pay for energy.
If you pay by direct debit - Your supplier will either:
  • reduce your direct debit amount
  • refund the money to your bank account each month
Contact your supplier if you cannot see the deduction on your bill or statement, or the refund in your bank account.
If you have a smart prepayment meter:
  • The payment will be added directly to your smart meter in the first week of each month.
 If you have a traditional prepayment meter
  • You will get a voucher from your supplier by text message, email or post in the first week of each month. Your supplier will confirm how you will get the voucher nearer the time. You will only be able to use your voucher for your own energy account.
  • You will need to take the voucher to your usual top-up point to use it.
 If you pay by standard credit or payment card
  • Your energy supplier will add the discount as a credit to your account in the first week of each month. The credit will appear on your account in the same way as if you had made a payment.
  1. Winter Fuel Payment
  •  Pensioner households will receive an extra £300 this year to help them cover the rising cost of energy this winter. 
  • All pensioner households will get the one-off Pensioner Cost of Living Payment as a top-up to their annual Winter Fuel Payment in November/December. For most pensioner households, this will be paid by direct debit.
  1. Warm Home Discount Scheme
  •  You could get £150 off your electricity bill under the Warm Home Discount Scheme. 
  • The money is not paid to you.  It is a one-off discount on your electricity bill, between October and March. 
  •  If you are receiving Pension Credit and previously qualified, you may not need to apply and may receive an automatic award. 
  • Anyone not receiving pension Credit and on a low income will need to make a new application each year.  Applications normally open around October but this can vary depending on your energy provider.
  1. Grants to pay off your energy debts
If you are in debt to your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant from a charitable trust to help pay it off.  The following energy suppliers offer grants to their customers: If you cannot get a grant from your supplier, check if you can get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust. These grants are available to anyone - you do not have to be a British Gas customer.
If you need assistance or advice on any of these issues, we have Energy Advisors available to help.
Please contact our office to speak to an Energy Advisor.