Here you will find details about the different Residents Associations in your area:

If you are interested in joining any of these groups, or would like further information about them, please contact us on 0141 946 2466.

Tenant Service Improvement Group (TSIG)

The TSIG was started in response to Maryhill Housing's rent restructure by tenants who wanted to become more involved in the rent consultation, and find ways to improve it.  The group also looks at other issues that affect all Maryhill Housing tenants such as Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and repairs.  The issues addressed by the group are driven by tenants and members regularly meet with senior management to discuss these.

TSIG became a RTO in 2018 and is open to all Maryhill Housing tenants. The group meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm in Shakespeare Youth Club, 95 Shakespeare Street, Glasgow G20 8LE and all are welcome.  If any tenant would like more information, please email