Published on: 16 Dec 2024 17:30

Written by: Maryhill Housing

Following a successful pilot project last year to install smart meters in the homes of customers with Air Source Heat Pumps, the Association is teaming up with Scottish Power once again. This time, we are working alongside the energy provider to replace Radio Tele Switch (RTS) meters in the homes of customers who have them.

What is an RTS meter?

An RTS meter is an outdated type of electricity meter that controls a home’s off-peak and peak electricity usage, especially for heating and hot water. After June 2025, RTS meters will no longer function as they do now.

How do I know if I have an RTS meter?

Don’t worry. Working alongside Scottish Power, we have identified which of our homes currently have RTS meters. We are in the process of writing to all affected customers to let them know the steps they need to take.

Why is it important to replace an RTS meter?

If an RTS meter is not replaced with a smart meter before June 2025, those affected risk facing significant issues, including:

  • No heating or hot water – heating and hot water may stop working completely.

  • Constant heating and hot water – alternatively, systems may remain on constantly, causing energy bills to increase drastically.

  • Manual meter readings – without a smart meter, customers need to manually submit meter readings, which can lead to inaccurate billing or estimates.

  • Higher bills – failing to switch to a smart meter could result in much higher energy costs due to the loss of off-peak rates.

If I have an RTS meter in my home, what happens next?
To avoid disruptions and increased costs, we strongly recommend you arrange to have your RTS meter replaced as soon as you receive the letter we send you. This letter will contain contact details for Scottish Power’s dedicated smart meter team who will be able to book you in for an appointment.

For further information about the RTS project, please contact our Trainee Property Investment Manager, Ade Oderinde, on 0141 946 2466 or