Our Property Team's duties include:
- Inspecting more complex jobs to specify or investigate what is required before handing over to a contractor to complete the work.
- Post inspecting all larger repair jobs with a value of over £1000.
- Carrying out inspections of all damp and mould cases and managing any works to resolve the issue.
- Overseeing all of our checks and cyclical servicing to keep our customers safe, such as gutter cleaning, gas safety checks and lift maintenance.
- Managing works to our empty properties.
- Managing adaptations to our homes to meet the needs of individual customers.
We are currently trialling a new system for our Property Team where we have one Property Officer who just manages work to empty properties. This trial will last until the end of June 2024. Once we have decided whether to keep this system, we will update this section of the website by September 2024 to show you which Property Officer covers your home.